Another month has gone by so quick! This month, there has been a couple of milestones and changes with little Asher and me! Also my maternity leave is soon coming to an end! Yikes! Back to work…. I’m gonna miss this cute little man!
Alright, so for my post-partum weight-loss is basically none. Nothing has changed after the 2nd month update. No gain, no loss. I’m not too worried actually, as long as little Asher is gaining weight and healthy, I’m good. I seem to have gained muscles though – on my arms from carrying him!
A hefty 6kg baby (he was weighed at the Plunkey centre last week). His weight is just under the 50th percentile, and so is his head circumference. However, he is on quite a low percentile for his height… daddy is worried. 🙁
I’ll be heading back to work part-time as of November doing 4-5 hours a day 5 days a week (the nature of my job requires me to be able to be contacted by clients and catch up on my own jobs, so being at work everyday is quite crucial). My bosses are the best. They let me decide how many hours, when to come back and flexibility what time to come in if baby is hard to settle. I couldn’t ask more from my bosses. Bless them.
OK, so one of the milestones is Asher is now sleeping a good 6-8 hours at night! After a nice bath and his last feed at night (between 7-10pm) he will sleep until 5 or 6am before crying for a feed. We usually feed him before we have dinner, then I will have my nap at around 10. Hubby will then wake me up to feed Asher at around midnight or 1am. One night, we decided to not wake Asher up and let him sleep until he wakes up himself crying for a feed. The first couple of days he woke up at 3am.. then 4am.. then it gradually extended to 5am and even 6am. But from time to time, he will still wake up at around 4am, but I just comfort him back to sleep and he will sleep for another hour or so before waking up again wanting to feed. Sometimes he can stretch up to 9 hours!
Another milestone is I am now feeding breastmilk exclusively (so proud)! Previously, I did not have enough milk, so we had to top up with formula after each feed. As time gone by, he started to refuse drinking formula (we though he didn’t like the bottle, but if I express and feed him from the bottle he is fine). Therefore we dropped the formula entirely and he was still doing great! He was gaining weight, he was sleeping the 6-8 hours during the night, 4 hours during the day and plenty of wet nappies. Oh, his dirty nappies are more liquid now, the seedy bits are all gone once we stopped feeding him formula.
He did just recently go through a rather obvious growth spurt. They say they go through one at around 6-8 weeks and another one at 3 months and another at 6 months. We didn’t really notice the one at 6-8 weeks because he was cranky and always wanting to feed anyway. However at 3 months, his sleeping/feeding schedule is already quite steady, but all of a sudden he was crying because he wasn’t fed enough, he’s cranky when he’s up, he’s fussy at the breast and he wakes up in the middle of the night wanting to feed. I offered him the breast pretty much every 2-3 hours during the day and about 4 hours during the night which wasn’t that bad. But I was worried I couldn’t produce enough milk to satisfy him. We ended up feeding him formula once during his 4 day growth spurt (which my mother in law insisted because she was convinced that I wouldn’t have enough breastmilk all along). He also enjoyed a good bath to relax his growing bones, muscles and skin – I think the warmth soothes him. So, 4 days have gone by so fast and Asher is back to normal! Well done!
Asher is enjoying sitting and standing more and more – of course standing as is me holding him under his armpit and his feet resting on my lap. He doesn’t like to be held like a baby anymore unless he is sleepy and wants to be cradled to sleep. He loves looking around while sitting and he loves the TV (not a good idea I know). He loves colorful toys and things that make noises – his favourite is between a little tiger (we hang in the car) and a little lion (we keep in the house) from a play gym my sister bought. He will stop crying when I rattle them (both with a little bell in their belly) and he will stare at them and even LOL at them.

Asher having a staring contest with little Lion
Alright, what else… oh right. There isn’t much happening on my gestational diabetes. I’m just a little careful on how much sugar I eat and wait until December to get my blood test done (AGAIN! I am so fed up with these sugar tests). Fingers crossed, I’ve been eating plain oatmeal for breakfast (rolled oats with hot water), hopefully that will do some help. We do want another child, but lets fix me up first.
One last thing. I took him out by myself for the first time last week to meet up my friends who also had their first child (both are older than Asher by 1 month and 2 months). Throughout the 3 months, I always have either my hubby or my mother in law with me and Asher, this time I assured my hubby I will be OK. Setting up the stroller and getting him in and out of the car seat is no problem, but getting him changed and feeding him in the parent room by myself was a little difficult when he is screaming and crying! Got me so stressed out, I was sweating like a pig! How embarrassing.
That’s it. I hope I haven’t bored you too much, I tried to put some pictures of Asher in between to try and distract. Until next time!