Bubbles Your Way with Sodastream Play

Add a splash of colour to your kitchen and brighten your day, with the brand new SodaStream Play!

2 weeks ago, hubby, bubba and I were invited to the SodaStream Play launch at Inflatable World! Even though little Asher was too small to play, he loved the colorful balloons all over the place and mummy and daddy enjoyed lots of refreshing soda and nibbles!

Cheeky, vibrant and fun, the SodaStream Play is anything but shy.  Created by world-renowned designer Yves Béhar, it’s at home in the most stylish of kitchen spaces with its minimalist yet colourful design.


Sodastream Play launch at Inflatable World

It’s simple to use, and with sparkling water on hand, the possibilities for delicious, imaginative and healthy sodas are endless!

Try SodaStream sparkling water with cucumber, mint and lime for a summer morning refresher. How about adding chia seeds and frozen berries for a zingy treat that gives you a great omega boost at the same time? Add honey, lemon and grated ginger for a cleansing health kick, or a splash of SodaStream Free Apple Peach for a tasty treat that kids will love, but without artificial ingredients.

At the launch, we were treated to endless fizzy mocktails made with the SodaStream Play machine. My favourite has got to be the Pink Grapefruit Fizz where they put in a wedge of lemon, orange and sprig of mint – it was so refreshing and tastes so nice! There are endless combination to try!


Sodastream mocktails

The SodaStream Play is available in black, yellow, red, blue and white from Farmers, Briscoes, Noel Leeming, The Warehouse and other stockists of SodaStream, RRP $139.99.

I was given a goodie bag to take home with the SodaStream Play Starter Pack. The pack includes the machine with a bottle, a carbon an extra bottle, a box of the SodaStream caps classic varieties pack and 2 bottles of syrup. I can’t wait to try to make my own drinks!


Sodastream Play Goodie Bag

The SodaStream Play machine adds so much vibrancy to my island bench and it is so much fun to play with! Let’s create some bubbles!



Sodastream caps

The SodaStream caps classic varieties pack contains 2 of each of these flavors: pink grapefruit, lemon-lime, orange and cola. Once your water is carbonated, snap one of these caps down from the bottle opening and it will release the flavor syrup into your water (strategically released from the sides so your fizzy water doesn’t overflow!) The amount of syrup in the caps are designed to be used with a full bottle of carbonated water (filled up to the certain point indicated on the bottle). Viola – chilled fizzy drink is ready to enjoy!

 Follow me on Instagram (@kittiemui) to see Sodastream Play in action and the drinks I’ve created!

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