As a first time mum, I am quite a worry-wort about everything my baby uses, eats, touches and plays with. The ultimate important thing is Safety.
I make sure he doesn’t play with anything that is a potential choking hazard by giving him age-appropriate toys, his food is not too chunky until he has learned to chew, he is strapped down to his highchair whenever he is on it and most importantly – his cot.
Before turning 6 months old, he has always been swaddled, but when we weaned him from the swaddle at 6 months he was at great risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Babies will be at great risk when there are loose sheets, pillows and thick blanekts that could cover his face and suffocate him. Before he could confidently roll over and back again, I was always worried that he will somehow roll over to his tummy and suffocate on his blanket.
So I was given this Neat’n’Sweet sheet set to try and I was pretty excited. I researched the product and it is actually a New Zealand designed product specifically to fit American sized mattress to avoid babies kicking up sheets, blankets, etc. causing potential risks of SIDS. Right on the day I got it, I washed it and fitted the it to the cot mattress immediately to use that night.
Assembly was surprisingly easy because when I pull the pieces out from the bag, I thought I was gonna spend a long time working this thing out, but it turned out quite easy! I followed the step by step on the bag and also the Youtube video did help as well and the thing was set up within 15 minutss all by myself (mind you the mattress was really heavy!).

Neat ‘n’ Sweet assembly

Neat ‘n’ Sweet assembled
The first night it was a bit of a struggle because he is not used to the fact that he cannot roll over or on his side so he was a little irritated. So I decided to get him to sleep on the sheets without strapping him down, and when he is fast asleep, I strap him in, pull the side zips and secure the sides with the velcro tapes leaving a bit of space for him. No blankets required over him.
When the nights started to get cool, I just pop him into a warmer sleeping bag and with the sheets, I don’t need an extra blanket. Sometimes I would put the A/C on heater mode set at a comfortable temperature. He slept pretty well with the sheets I do say.

Asher checking out his new sheets!
So here are some pros and cons of the sheets (in my opinion and little Asher’s review and probably doesn’t apply to all babies as babies are all different and unique):
- Pro 1. Very good quality cotton fabric that feels soft and smooth on Asher’s skin.
- Pro 2. Easy assembly and clear instructions provided.
- Pro 3. No bits and pieces of zips and sheets tugging and hanging around therefore it is safe to use.
- Pro 4. Adjustable to Asher’s height as he grows (suitable for use from 3 months to 1 year old).
- Con 1. We didn’t like the velcro much as it means when I need to remove Asher from the bed it will create a loud noise and will wake him right up.
- Con 2. Asher turned out to be one of those babies who love to sleep on his sides or on his tummy throughout the night. If I flip him back, he will eventually roll back onto his tummy, so with him strapped to the sheets, he will whine and struggle to try and roll to his tummy.
It comes in Pretty Pink Gingham and Baby Blue Gingham. RRP$139.00. Free shipping in New Zealand and Australia.
This is a pretty neat idea (no pun intended lol)