Skin1004 Hyalu-Cica Cloudy Mist
Where I got it I entered a PickyApp X Skin1004 contest and won a choice of two items from the brand. It wasn’t really a contest, but more of a draw. This was a silver prize and I could pick…
HZP+Co Splashwater (+giveaway)
I have a 3 year old kid (can no longer call him a toddler) and he has had his bad days of emotions. He can speak of his emotions, he can tell us he is happy, sad or angry, but it’s…

Hi, my name is Kitty Tam and welcome to my blog. My blog is all about trying out new and exciting skincare and makeup, giving my honest thoughts and opinions about them. Hopefully my reviews can assist you in getting a product that would work for you as it did for me.
Shiseido Ibuki Quick Fix Mist
Where I got it: I bought this from Farmers for $56.00 as a little Valentine’s day present for myself. It is a new product from Shiseido and Farmers was doing a gift with purchase where you purchase this Quick Fix Mist…